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December 05, 2005


Noah Brier

Hope I can help.

Dossy Shiobara

Technology seminars. WhizSpark would be great for promoting small technology seminars. The 10-50 attendee kinds.

peter caputa

Noah. I am sure your insight will be helpful.

Dossy. That has been a thought of mine recently. I've been doing online seminars to show people how to use WhizSpark + the benefits of WhizSpark. As a sales tool. So, I was thinking that using WhizSpark to market and manage registration for online seminars using web conferencing COULD be a good market for us.

The nice thing about it is that there are very little logistics and I could leverage my blogosphere connections to 1) find subject matter experts/companies that want to market/solicit feedback and 2) get the word out through the blogosphere.


From what I've seen from Whizspark, the events that really work the best are networking events. There is a mutual benefit for all attendants who *want* to network and it's great to know that is what they are there for. Honing in on different sectors that communicate extensively online seems like a good direction to go. As always, the ever expanding party scene is also great to jack into.


Where did you find this guestbook by the way??? I'd like to have one like this on one of my sites!!!

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