Zvents lands funding and launches.
Upcoming.org aqu-hired by yahoo.
WhizSpark has business model. Triples revenue month to month for 3 consecutive months.
Yeah. I am jealous. There's a lot happening in events. And although, we are signing up event planners as paying customers and event promoters as affiliates at a few/week, I would have really liked it if we were able to sign up the prosumers that upcoming.org has. I really would like to know about your family BBQ in Memphis and the local rotary meeting. I would. And mostly, I'd love to work for yahoo. As Greg Narain said to me this morning:
I wouldn't mind having "A Yahoo! Company" tattoed on my ass either.
But, I don't want my jealousy to get in the way of giving props. Andy and team has done a great job and has stayed true to the ethic of building good shit for regular people. And letting the people come. And they were first. So, congratulations.
Now, that they have....
1. The resources of yahoo (ie people and cash).
2. More time themselves. I imagine they'll quit their day jobs.
3. Amazingly cool integration points. Event listings at yahoo local. Flickr photos from events.
4. Revenue model: pay per click and impression based advertising.
....Anyone going after the prosumer events market should be a wee bit concerned. Of course, there are many larger players that could buy instead of build, especially now that Yahoo has thrown the first stone, but the 1000 pound gorrilla has started eating from the banana tree. And that leaves a bit less for the rest of us you.
Why "you"? Not "us". Well, I compare eventful, zvents, upcoming to google algorithmic search. While WhizSpark is the equivalent of adwords. We can finance the long tail, while they support it.
Update: Marc Canter is erect with joy. OpenEvents is coming, Marc.
Posted by: cgfdg | April 14, 2006 at 07:21 AM