Cameron Marlow who created blogdex while at MIT, has joined Yahoo Research.
So, Boston lost him to San Francisco. From observing him, I am not surprised that Cameron took a comfy job in a big company. But, it would have been cool to see what he could have done with a few bucks in his pocket and someone who wanted to see blogdex or something akin to it - get to the next level. Blogdex was certainly the first site to help rank the living web. But, blogpulse has certainly taken the crown. That is, until we see Tailrank (via Techcrunch) and until we see the 37 Signals' new offering. (I can't find the link where I read about that.)
So, what happens to blogdex now?
I don't think there's been any active work on blogdex for quite a long time. I'm sure he'll do neat stuff at Yahoo! though.
Posted by: Michael Fagan | September 23, 2005 at 04:13 PM