Old school newspapers have a renewed interest in online advertising and transactions. As they should. There's a boatload of examples. Here's one quote from Paidcontent.org:
We do not have the largest, in revenue, online site in the newspaper industry. The New York Times does. I wouldn't argue that we have the most internet revenue for a company our size. Given the scope of their investments, I suspect Gannett, Tribune or Knight Ridder does.
But washingtonpost.com is now a big site relative to the size of our market and our newspaper. And we believe it is bigger in revenues than the sites of some newspapers in larger markets, though not all. To my way of thinking, this is an important new fact about our company and the newspaper division, though it certainly doesn't offset the importance of declining circulation at The Post."
A potential advisor of ours mentioned that a newspaper company would be a perfect partner for WhizSpark in a careerbuilder, tribe.net, topix.net sorta way. That'd be cool.
So call up Boston.com and give them some services for free and split the upsell...
Do a search on LinkedIn for "Boston.Com" with the quotes. You'll be surprised at who you can connect with who might be able to get you going and get you in touch with the right person.
Posted by: Joe Bartling | June 24, 2005 at 08:09 PM