If you are reading this through an aggregator, do me a favor and make sure you are subscribed to my feedburner feed.
I plan to do some tricky things to migrate you all to it automagically. But, if I screw up, please come back and subscribe to that feed.
If you are curious how I plan to migrate you, read this and this. Not sure when I'll get to it, as it looks a bit complex and time consuming.
And if you aren't using feedburner, you should. It lets you track your rss traffic just like web stat packages track your website traffic. And they have some cool things coming up too, to help you monetize your feeds, if you want.
I recently migrated people from my standard RSS feeds to feedburner feeds with very little work and just a bit of coding using Apache's mod_rewrite. I wrote about it here. You're welcome to use my code as an example if you like... it's certainly neither complex nor time-consuming. Although I guess if you're hosted on TypePad, your options are somewhat limited...
Posted by: Peter | April 04, 2005 at 12:07 PM