This babble by Ron Steinman put me over the top (found at MicroPersuasion). I am tired of journalists that say that weblogging and webloggers can't fill their britches.
However, they do have some legitimate issues with blogging that should be addressed by us techies and our interested journalist friends.
Currently, all we do in blogging is publish and evaluate macro-trends. Blogging is dumb. We've only distributed part of the writer's job. We need to start working on systems that let every process in the news room, happen outside of the news room.
Here is my short list of typical old school journalist complaints and proposed solutions:
Complaint: Nobody checks their facts.
Solution: Distributed Fact Checkers & Fact Checker Bloggers.
Complaint: Who should we trust?
Solution: Systems for Managing Online Editorial Reputations
Complaint: There is too much to read. How do I know who to read for Subject A?
Solution: Subject Specific Blogdex Lists
So, tech people out there. Lets get working. Hook up with a journalist (with credentials) and design some systems so we can distribute the editor's job too.
Then we won't have to listen to snotty a$$ b#$%es like this talk trash about the good stuff we got going on. Cause then, when we writing gooder, they won't got no job.
Update: Para mi ninos espanol. It is an honor to have my words translated into another language voluntarily. I assume it is because they were worth repeating. Thank You!
Update II (6/26/04): Looks like there is a weblog out there that focusses exclusively on fact checking. It is called BUSTED. They just busted Steve Rubel at Micro-Persuasion.